

Music Opportunities
Music is an integral part of our services. It is a confession of faith. Through liturgy and song God's people proclaim to one another and to the world what God has done for our salvation. Namely, our Heavenly Father freely and graciously bestows salvation on pour sinners who have been redeemed by the blood of Christ.

Bethlehem offers opportunities to more fully participate in the music of the church through adult and children's choirs, handbell choir, and instrumental music.

If interested, please contact Kantor Richard Brinkley.

Widows Group

Check back soon.

Altar Guild

Altar Guid is a group of volunteers who serve the Lord and church by caring for the altar, vestments, communion vessels, altar linens, the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Great care is taken during the preparation and cleaning of the altar. Altar Guild also ensures that the place of worship is prepared and set up for the church seasons using the paraments. Members may sign up to serve either a weekend or month, schedule is found in the Narthex. Flowers may also be donated or money given to the flower fund for general use. If you are interested in signing up or would like to know more please contact our Altar Guild Committee for more details.

Audio Visual Technology

Volunteers set up and operate equipment to enhance the church services through microphones, video recorders and sound mixing equipment in order to record the service for church records.

Those unable to attend service may request a DVD or watch online through our YouTube channel.


There are several opportunities throughout the week including pickleball, walking, soccer, volleyball, and yoga. For gym usage, please contact the school athletic director.

Women of Bethlehem

"Women of Bethlehem" is an auxiliary ladies group at Bethlehem Lutheran Church for all women over the age of 18 to have opportunity for fellowship and service. Previously known as "Ladies Aid Society", we have continued to serve and aid the congregation since 1923.

Current ways to serve:

  • at funeral luncheons
  • bake sales
  • altar guild
  • projects
  • blankets
  • chair or co-chair committee member (Altar Guild, Funeral, Hospitality, Sunshine & Sympathy, Trips, Kitchen, LWML, Fundraising)

    For more information please contact the Women of Bethlehem President or Deaconess Boehm.
  • LWML

    Mission Statement: As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.

    Vision Statement: The LWML is the leading group for LCMS women where each woman is welcomed and encouraged to use her unique God-given gifts as she supports global missions and serves the Lord with gladness.

    Lutheran Women's Missionary League is the official auxiliary of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. LWML encourages and equips women to live in active mission ministries and to support global missions. Each woman is encouraged to use their specific abilities as she supports global missions and serves the Lord with gladness.

    For more information please contact the Women of Bethlehem LWML Chairman.

    Visit lwml.org for national information or lwmlindiana.org for our local chapter.

    Women's Bible Study

    Check back to see Fall 2025 Women's Bible Study Opportunities.

    Book Club

    Check back to see Fall 2025 Book Club picks.

    Christian Education Classes

    Check back soon.

    Youth Ministry

    Bethlehem Lutheran Youth Fellowship is an active group of middle school and high school teens that gather to study God's Word and serve the church and our community. For the most current information about our upcoming events, please visit our youth Facebook page or contact our Deaconess.