
Single or Recurring Donations

In Matthew 6:4, Jesus talks about giving, “so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” We give freely back to God, in thanksgiving, a portion of all He has freely given to us, His children.

If you wish to make a single online donation or set up recurring donations, you may do so on through our third-party provider, Vanco Payment Solutions. Online giving may be done as a credit card payment or ACH bank transfer. 

Please note: The church will incur a processing fee on each online transaction. Credit card transactions will be charged a small fee. For ACH bank transfers, there is a small $0.20 fee per transaction. This may affect how you wish to direct your online donations. You may also elect to increase your gift to cover the cost of the transaction fees.

Click here to go to Vanco Secure Site for online giving. 
SGO Donations for Bethlehem Lutheran School

The Lutheran Scholarship Granting Organization of Indiana is striving to provide families with funds that will enable them to provide their children with a higher-quality, Christian education. Donations made to The Lutheran Scholarship Granting Organization on behalf of Bethlehem Lutheran School are eligible to receive a 50% state income tax credit on every gift. Visit LutheranSGO.org for more information. 

Instructions for Vanco Payment Solutions. 

Step 1: If new user select “Create Your Online Profile” and fill out the following steps. If already have a log in, please log into the site.

Step 2: Once on the “Create Your Profile” page, it will look like this. Please fill out the appropriate information then click “Continue”.

Step 3: Continue filling out the appropriate information for each section, once completed click “Create Profile”.

Step 4: Once your profile is created, you will be able to submit donations. To submit a donation, click “Add Transaction”.

Step 5: Enter in the dollar amount you wish to donate, then select “Donation Frequency” (one time, weekly, monthly) and the “Donation Start Date” to which you want the transaction to occur.

Step 6: Choose one of the following options in the “Account” section: “Credit/Debit Card”, “Checking” or “Savings”. Fill out the appropriate information and click “Process”.

Step 7: You will then come the the confirmation page which will have all of your information displayed. All past transactions can be accessed online through the “Summary Tab” or for a hard copy click “Print Page” at the bottom of the page.